Tuesday, January 20, 2009

what's going on with Rick

What's going on? I've decided to update this journal one person at a time.

Rick is sick. He has had a terrible chest cold since last week; but with lots of sleep, hopefully, he will beat it soon.

Work has been difficult, as well. Corporate is in a tither because profits are taking a nose dive. Lay-offs are just around the bend, and leadership doesn't seem to be coping too well. Execs. seem to be intensely micro-managing. Rick does so well; unfortunately, others in the region are not experiencing success. Region 1 went from being first, to dead last in the company. Ouch. Economically, the NE. has been hit hard; but of course, there are also management flaws which contribute to the problem.

Rick is still teaching Sunday school, too. The 4th graders love him. He is Ranger Rick to them. He does a terrific job.

I believe next week, Rick and I are going to step out in faith re: our money...... This is a big deal for us. We are going to try to be obedient to God, so will see what happens.

OK, that's about it for the #1 guy. He's great and cute, too. What more could one ask for?


Robin said...

HI there! I told you I would visit your blog. You should write more often, you have a nice writing style and you have something to say...
Rachel has a blog now, it's www.girlzofaith.blogspot.com .
I hope you are doing well, Love, Karen T.

Robin said...

WOOPS! My profile should ready Karen, not Rachel!!! My blog is www.karensgatherings.blogspot.com .