Thursday, January 15, 2009


Once in a while, I have a thought worth thinking about.

"If you run from failure, it will define you-
If you face your failure, you will succeed."

Being back in the teen world; via homescooing co-op; Atmosphere, track..... can bring back many feelings and memories. Well, one of the most unpleasant experiences has to be seeing some other kid live the same mistakes I have lived. Ouch!

Too much false pride, an inability to acknowledge failure, and rationalization of that failure, sure does make for a tough way to live. Eventually, if one is a Christian, God will get to him or her..... but until then, deep down, it doesn't make for much peace; and it's hard to watch.

Having been there.... I have to think that getting to the bottom of oneself; praying and making oneself accountable; not only to God, but others is a beginning for change. Also, to be loved unconditionally through failure has to be the last missing ingredient. Being cared about, no matter how much of a whackadoo one is; gives people the freedom to be open about failure and learn how to change.

Those are my thoughts, what are yours?

1 comment:

Tegan said...

Hi Carla,

I really like your thought/quote, it is definitely true.

I understand what you mean about watching someone make the same mistakes that you did, and feeling powerless to stop them. Especially after you have shared your journey with them, and they say that they have Christ, and yet they continue to disobey and you know exactly what kind of pain they are in for in the future if they don't stop and change. Sort of like you are the lighthouse on the rocks sounding the fog horn and lighting the beacon, but the ship just keeps on coming towards the rocks and all you can do is watch.

You are right though about getting to the bottom of oneself and becoming accountable to Christ. Perhaps it is the only way that some people really understand the sacrifice that Christ made for us and how powerful He is in that He can help us overcome anything, through His strength. Perhaps that is the only way for some - I know it was for me.

All we can do is continue to love them as Christ does and, I think, if applicable, show them the forgiveness of Christ. The only love that conquers all is the love of Christ and as Christians we reflect that love. :)

I hope that this person that you see is able to see what they are doing before they get too badly hurt. I will keep them in my prayers.


P.S. Tell the family I said "hi!" (Mike is TDY in CA, but I'm sure he says hi as well. :) )