Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6 Post

Well, well, well.... It's that time to post again.

July 4 is a good place to start. We all had a great time in New Gloucester at the Ray/Harmer shindig. They really know how to put on a fun time. The morning of the 4th was spent in intense preparation for the party.... What, may you say, are you talking about, Car? Did you help in any way? My answer to you is- "no". However, we had to get ready for the famous contests. The first competition was the "Make Your Own Boat Race". This consists of people making their own boats and competing in a short race down a slimy, leech-infested, shallow river. The family goal this year was to make sure our boat stayed afloat and not to come in last. Not too lofty, perhaps, but enough of a challenge for our team. Last year, my design consisted of a tarp with noodles strapped around it to provide buoyancy. The only problem was it filled with water and was more like floating down the river in a soup bowl. Mariah and I were the only ones who rode the boat, and let's just say we ended up towing it in..... HOWEVER, this year, we met with success! We upgraded to buying cheap air mattresses. The two girls and I hitched ours together and duck-taped plates to branches for oars. The boys opted to go alone; and Rick thought it best to be the stuff-holder on shore. Chris paddled like mad and came in 3rd; Stephen was not far behind and the girls and I at least accomplished our goals. There were all kinds of boat designs in the race. A few guys made a styrofoam boat that was cut out and painted like a huge hot dog and bun! There was a watermelon boat; which was a kiddie pool painted green on the outside and red with black dots on the inside. But, the winner was none other than my good friend, Robin, her husband and daughter, who designed and floated a cardboard boat! Go figure.

OK, so making the boat was a small part of the party prep. The kids also wanted to enter the cupcake decorating contest. So, I got the frosting ready; and to work they went. Mariah made a graham cracker dog house and placed a Polly Pocket puppy in front of it. Chris cut a square of cardboard and decorated a beach scene on it. He attached the cardboard to the top of the cupcake with hot glue. Stephen used the same method to mount a graham cracker volcano onto his cupcake. He then filled his volcano cupcake with baking soda and red and yellow food coloring. During the judging, he demonstrated his cupcake's volcanic ability by pouring vinegar into the chasm. Lots of oohs and aahs, but no first place. I warned the kids before the judging that they were competing against the big-timers at this party. When it comes to fancy food, this crew knows their stuff. An absolutely amazing entry of two cupcake hamburgers and fries won first place, and a cupcake corn-on-the cob won second place. I know Stephen voted for his volcano to win, but Mariah was perhaps the more honest one and her vote was cast for the burgers.

I also spent the morning making a pie for the pie contest. I won the year before with a Four Berry pie. This year there was alot of other things to be done, plus I lost the recipe of the pie I had planned to make....No surprise there, I'm famous for losing good recipes! Anyway, I decided to make a Peanut Butter pie. It's quick and simple. I made the graham cracker crust, then decided to line the bottom with melted chocolate chips. After adding the filling, I thought it would be fun to pipe on the whipped topping and drizzle chocolate on top. I found some fresh strawberries in the frig, so decorated the top with them, as well. And, you know what? I won the Best Decorated AND the Best Tasting! It was a nice ending to a fun day. Also, I get alot of mileage with the kids. They see those blue ribbons and really think I am some great cook:)

Our friends also plan games and host everyone for the meal. It's really quite something. They roast a pig, have barbecue beef, soda and salad. They are just such nice people.

That night I drove Kendra's luggage to her piano teacher's house. She went to music camp the 5th and her teacher had more room to bring things than her ride.

Kendra called last night to say she had made it safe and sound. She called this afternoon to say she needed $240 for her meal card. I thought her housing cost included food! Can you believe it didn't? Well, the camp is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity, so guess that's the way the cookie sometimes crumbles. We are praying that Kendra will come away inspired or know that piano is simply something she enjoys, but will remain a light hobby. No matter what, though, I believe she will be richer for the experience.

Tomorrow, the youngers and I go to camp where they will play, and I will paint and clean up the little camp. Today, Rick, and the two youngers and I went fishing so they could get more bait for Chris' lobster trap. As a result of their successes, Daddy decided that our aquarium needed two more sunfish. Just what we need, more pets! Chris wasn't able to fish with us this afternoon because he went swimming with a friend.

Busy-ness coming up the next few weeks. One week from tomorrow, VBS begins and swimming lessons in the late afternoons and evenings will start. I also need to get the homeschooling plans nailed down for myself and our co-op. However, easy does it; and one day at a time.

See you later, friends and family.

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